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Leicester FUSIC:Heart (FICE) Course, 28 February 2022

Mon, 28 Feb


National Space Centre, Leicester

Focused Ultrasound in Intensive Care: Heart module

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Leicester FUSIC:Heart (FICE) Course, 28 February 2022
Leicester FUSIC:Heart (FICE) Course, 28 February 2022

Time & Location

28 Feb 2022, 08:45 – 15:15

National Space Centre, Leicester, Exploration Dr, Leicester LE4 5NS, UK

About The Event

Taught by expert faculty:

Hannah Conway - BSE accredited FICE supervisor, BSE Level 1 Examiner, FICE committee member, Lead for FUSIC: Heart, FAMUS supervisor

Gary Lau - BSE accredited FICE supervisor, BSE TOE accreditation assessor, FAMUS supervisor

Topics covered:

  • Introduction to FUSIC: Heart (FICE) syllabus and knobology
  • Sonoanatomy and basic echo views
  • Common pathologies, interesting cases
  • Hands-on scanning workshop using the latest Bodyworks 'EVE' simulator
  • Course examination and discussion
  • FUSIC: heart (FICE) accreditation – all you need to know!

Terms and Conditions:

We are adhering to the current social distancing advice and delivering our course in a larger room with plenty of outdoor space. Please also bring your own facemask for your comfort, if possible. If you do forget, there will be hand sanitiser, gloves and facemarks available at the venue. We are also using the latest simulators, rather than live models, so that we can demonstrate important and key pathology relevant to your practice (which has not changed from our recent courses). This also ensures that we try our best to maintain social distancing regulations until the government advice changes.

Cancellation policy:

Cancellations must be received in writing (or by email) at least two weeks before the start of the event and will be subject to an administration charge of 20% of the course fee. It is regretted that no refunds will be made within two weeks of the course date.

g&h CritCareEcho reserves the right to cancel any conference it deems necessary and will, in such event, make a full refund of the registration fee only. g&h CritCareEcho will not be liable for any additional incurred costs (including but not limited to travel, accommodation, visa, etc.).

No liability is assumed by g&h CritCareEcho for changes in programme date, speakers or venue.

Any refund will be made by us to you within 30 days of your cancellation and be paid to you in the same way as you paid for your order.


  • FUSIC: Heart Course (FICE)

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